Parents should really do their kids a big favor by NOT passing down onto them destructive anti-social/-societal sentiments and perceptions (including stereotypes and ‘humor’), since such rearing ironically can make life so much harder for one’s own children.
It fails to prepare children for the practical reality of an increasingly diverse and populous society and workplace. It also makes it so much less likely those children will be emotionally content or preferably harmonious with their multicultural and multi-ethnic/-racial surroundings.
Children reared into their adolescence and, eventually, young adulthood this way can often be angry yet not fully realize at precisely what. Then they may feel left with little choice but to move to another part of the land, where their own ethnicity/race predominates, preferably overwhelmingly so.
Especially if it’s deliberate, rearing one’s very impressionable young children in such an environment of baseless contempt and overt bigotry amounts to a formidable form of child abuse.
Too often, such grotesque sentiment is acquired during childhood [regardless of skin color], sometimes even passed down generationally like a communicable virus/sickness. It may be further cemented by a misguided yet strong sense of entitlement, perhaps also environmentally acquired.
This serious social/societal problem can/should be proactively prevented by allowing young children to become accustomed to other peoples/cultures/faiths in a harmoniously positive manner. Not surprising, the earliest years are typically the best time to instill and even solidify diversity-positive attitudes and social-interaction life skills/traits into a very young brain/mind. …
I consider myself lucky in having a mother who never had anything disdainful to say about people of different races and cultures. In fact, she, though being of Croatian heritage, still enjoys watching/listening to the Middle Eastern and Indian subcontinental dancers and musicians on the multicultural channel.
Most memorable for me was being emphatically told at a very young and therefore impressionable age by her about the exceptionally kind and caring nature of our Black family doctor. I believe that in doing so she had a positive and lasting effect on me.
Good God, why do so many one another hate
—neighbour against neighbour, nation against nation
don’t they know the hour is nigh when it’ll all be too late
for them to convince You to not damn Creation?!
All too readily red resents yellow, white stabs at black
relentlessly yellow despises red, black beats on white—
compassion and forgiveness they collectively lack,
they do naught but argue, threaten then physically fight.
Their fighting causes innocents’ flesh to be torn, them to mourn,
the fighters’ ignorance and hate insist upon their continued wars
—bloody wars leaving countless to cry out ‘Why were we even born!?’
because the evil will not stop till the fighters have all settled their scores.
Theistic person please practice the true teachings of your religion
telling you to love and forgive your enemies as ye do yourself
so that you and those you hate may break from brutal tradition
instead place your vile venom and bigotry on the very back shelf.
People, people! while on spaceship Earth you’re all confined
your hate will continue to grow until your frail race does fall
and your self destructive nature annihilates all mankind
because you allowed your differences to form a formidable wall.
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